Our Products
Pigeon Feeds
Home-grown crops now available for pigeon feeds in 25kg bags include
- Black Rapeseed Please phone for prices.
- Beans - Maris Bead (Fully Matured)
- Wheat
- Barley
- Oats
- Maple peas
Bought-in feeds in 25kg bags from reputable British-grown sources include
- Bamford's Fishing Baits
- Wild Bird Feed
- Poultry & Game Feeds
- Linseed
- Safflour
- Maize
- Red & White Dari
- Tores
- Peanuts
- White & Blue peas
We now grow our own Maple Peas at Ullard Hall Farm.
Feeds are supplied in either 12.5kg or 25 kg polypropylene sacks. Currently we do not offer delivery of our products; they must be collected. Please see our contact page for details of where to find us.
We also supply a wide range of mixed feeds, aswell as
the reputable feed minerals & supplements from Gerdon